Thanks to Jed Zimmerman for creating the original version of this guide.
If you have any questions about SimplyAnalytics, please contact me by email at
Instructors, I would be happy to discuss, with you, the incorporation of SimplyAnalytics into your course assignments and/or demonstrate SimplyAnalytics to your students.
Need a map for your term paper, your business plan, or your marketing study? Have no expertise in GIS? You may use SimplyAnalytics to create maps, data tables, and rankings for these purposes and more using the data and Statistics Canada geographic units outlined in the boxes below. SimplyMap is particularly useful to students and others, in the following or other disciplines requiring simple spatial analysis of socioeconomic data:
business and marketing | community planning and development |
community health, nursing and medicine | geography |
social work | economics |
First Nations and women's studies | northern studies |
education | social work |
Note to those with GIS expertise: SimplyMap may also be used to download shapefiles and data files (including point data) for use in a GIS.
Important: Note that SimplyMap uses Environics Analytics data. Environics Analytics uses proprietary algorithms and administrative data to massage and augment Census and NHS data. Although Environics Analytics data is an industry standard in the business world, researchers should be cognizent that their methodology is proprietary and not transparent.
Environics Analytics socioeconomic and business-related data included in the GRW Library's subscription to SimplyMap Canada:
Data is available, and can be mapped, at all standard Statistics Canada geographic units:
Please see the Statistics Canada Illustrated Glossary for basic and detailed descriptions of all these geographic units.
SimplyMap is now SimplyAnalytics. SimplyAnalytics offers all the functionality of SimplyMap with an updated user interface. All SimplyMap accounts and saved work have been imported to SimplyAnalytics, which can be accessed below: