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Engineering: Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment Research

This guide provides a directory of resources related to the practice and study of life cycle inventory and assessment - including tips for searching the scientific literature on LCA, links to examples, and other resources.

Ecodesign of PVC packing tape using life cycle assessment

Navajas, A., Bernarte, A., Arzamendi, G. et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2014) 19: 218.

Searching for Articles

Start with this search: "life cycle assessment" OR "life cycle inventory" OR "life cycle impact assessment" OR "environmental impact analysis"

and add additional search term(s) in the search box at the top of the page to focus search results on your topic, e.g.: ("life cycle assessment" OR "life cycle inventory" OR "life cycle impact assessment" OR "environmental impact analysis") AND tire*

Note: Use brackets to let the computer know which terms to group together.

Example search for Life Cycle Assessment

Search tips:

  1. Experiment! Try different combinations of keywords - narrow to broad
  2. Use boolean logic connectors or and not within advanced search interfaces in journal research database. Using Or between synonyms or related concepts builds flexibility into the search, retrieving more results; And limits search results to only those where the concepts overlap
  3. Use the truncation symbol (usually an asterisk *) to find variations of root words; teen* in the example above searches for teenage, teen, teenager, etc.
  4. Searching for phrases in quotes forces the search to only retrieve articles where that exact string of characters appears. 

Suggested Databases

Life Cycle Databases

There is no single database with life cycle assessment data.  However, there are a number of Open Source databases and/or websites that may be valuable.

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