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Scholarly Communication

This guide gives an overview of scholarly communication, Open Access, and research metrics

Predatory Publishers and Conferences

In recent years, the number of exploitative or deceptive publishers and conferences has grown. These publishers typically send unsolicited invitations to authors offering to publish their research for a substantial fee, however do not offer any of the traditional services provided by reputable publishers, such as editing, peer-review, archiving and marketing. 

It is strongly recommended that authors verify the credentials of any publisher to whom they are considering submitting their work. Consider the following before submitting your manuscript:

  • How long has the journal been in existence? How extensive is the available archive of back issues?
  • Examine the quality of research published within the journal in previous issues
  • Does the publisher provide full and transparent details of the peer review and editorial process?
  • Is the journal indexed in major academic databases e.g. JSTOR, Scopus, Web of Science etc. or the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)? Some may claim to be, but in reality are not, so it is important to verify this.
  • Ask your colleagues if they have published in or are familiar with the publication.

Resources to Avoid Predatory Publishers/Conferences

If you are in any doubt regarding the credentials of a particular journal or publishers, consult the Library for further advice.

Predatory Publishers

How to Assess a Journal