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Knowledge Synthesis Guide

Overview of evidence synthesis steps and resources to assist researchers conducting reviews

Running your Search Strategies

Once you have finalized your search strategy across all the relevant databases you will need to run them and export the files. All of the final searching and exporting should be done on the same day so you can report the date run in your methods. 

Set up a folder to save your exported files. Consider renaming your exported file to something that identifies it:


Running the Searches
  1. Run each database search separately
    • Do not combine databases - reviews require them to be searched and reported individually. 
  2. Save your search to your account
    • This will help in case you need to re-run it later (to update your review).
    • Name it using the database name so you remember which search belongs to which database.
  3. Export ALL results as an RIS file
    • Do not screen your results at this step. You will screen your articles in the next step.
    • In some cases, a large number of results may need to be downloaded in batches. 
  4. Note all of your searches in your search log
    • Including terms, combinations with AND/OR, limiters, database name, date searched, number of results.
    • you can screen shot your search or send it to your email, or cut and paste it into an Excel file. The goal is to create a reproducible record of what you searched. See below for sample search log. 


Exporting Search Results

At the top right above your search results, click Share, and then click Email a link to download exported results. You will be able to send up to 25,000 results. 

sending results in ebsco


One the next page, select filetype RIS and then enter your email. Please note, we are aware there have been periodic issues reported in receiving the emailed search results. Check your junk folder, but also be prepared to send the results again.

ebsco ris file 

Save it to the folder you’ve created for your review, inside the subfolder for the database (eg CINAHL, PsycInfo). Consider renaming the file with the following naming convention:


Above your search results select either "All," or ranges of up to 2000 articles at a time, then click Export:

ovid export results


Choose RIS as the format. Change Fields to Citation, Abstract. Under Include, ensure just URL is checked. The RIS file will download.

ovid ris file

Save it to the folder you’ve created for your review, inside the subfolder for the database (eg Medline, Embase). Consider renaming the file with the following naming convention:


Just above your search results select "Export" then select RIS from the dropdown menu. 

web of science export results


On the pop up indicate either all records on page or a range. The maximum download is 1000 records. If you have more, you will need to repeat the process. Ensure that "Author, Title, Source, Abstract" is selected from the Record Content dropdown. Click Export. Your file should download automatically.

web of science ris file

Save it to the folder you’ve created for your review, inside the subfolder for the database (eg Web of Science). Consider renaming the file with the following naming convention:
