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Interlibrary Loans: Receiving ILLs

How long does an ILL take?

Copy requests, such as articles and book chapters, usually arrive in about 1-3 days. Material that is difficult to locate may take longer.

Books available from Canadian libraries can usually be obtained within 1-3 weeks. Materials from American libraries may take 4-6 weeks to arrive. Requests which have to be sent overseas may take 3 months or longer.

Note: Delivery times may vary during peak periods from September to April. The Interlibrary Loan department has no control over the delivery date of items ordered.

Notification and Delivery

Journal articles and book chapters will be emailed when they arrive and are yours to keep.

Email notifications are sent when ILL materials are available for pick up.

  • Interlibrary Loan items may be picked up at the Library Services Desk.
  • Faculty can choose to have ILL items delivered to offices via internal mail.
  • Distance patrons will receive delivery of ILL items to their location or regional campus.
  • Interlibrary Loan items checked out to you can be viewed on your library account.
  • Items that arrive after your required date may not be distributed.

Please notify the ILL department if  you no longer need material you have requested so that it can be returned to the lending library.

Loan Period

The loan period for returnable interlibrary loan items (books, theses, microfilm) varies depending on the lending library.

  • Renewal of Interlibrary Loan items is determined by the lending library. Please contact the ILL department to see if a renewal is possible.
  • All interlibrary loans are subject to recall at any time by the lending institution.
  • Substitutions will not be made for requests which come in microform instead of paper copy.
  • The lending library may impose restrictions on items such as “Library Use Only” or “No Photocopying.” If you violate these restrictions, and loss or damage to an item occurs, you are responsible for paying any replacement charges.

To ensure the continued co-operation of the lending libraries, please return your ILL items promptly.


  • Overdue charges of $1.00 per item per day will be applied to your library account.
  • Fees for lost or damaged ILL items are the replacement cost as well as a $20 processing fee.

Fine payments can be made via the following methods:

  • In-person at the Library Services Desk by debit and credit only
  • Over the phone using credit card only
  • The Cashier’s Office using cash and a variety of methods, please see Payment Options for further details.

Please note that unpaid interlibrary loan charges may result in the suspension of all library borrowing privileges.

Interlibrary Loans

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Valerie Cantin