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Psychology: Articles and Databases

Useful Databases

To find journal articles, search the journal indexes covering journals in your discipline. Remember that elements of a topic may fall into other disciplines. Hence, you may find that you also need to search journal indexes that cover other disciplines.

Databases with information on Psychology:

Having trouble finding what you are looking for? Try our complete list of databases affiliated with Psychology.

Choosing a Database

  1. Start from the library home page
  2. Click on the Indexes & Databases link (under Library Resources)
  3. Scroll down on the Search for Databases by Subject list until you find Psychology. 
  4. Click on Submit Subject Search
  5. Browse through the list and select a database.

Searching for Journal Articles

Once you have selected an appropriate database use the following to connect your search terms:

  • AND: Connecting your search terms with AND allows you to narrow your search.  You will retrieve only the items that have BOTH or ALL of your terms contained within.
  • OR: Connecting your search terms with OR allows you to broaden your search. You with retrieve any of the items that contain EITHER or ONE OF your terms.

In most databases it is easiest to start with a Keyword search.
You may also want to use the Thesaurus to find the appropriate subject terms for your topic.
If you know the title of the article you are looking for do a Title search
If you know that you want articles from within a specific journal search by Journal titlePeriodical title, or Series title
If you know the author, search by Author (Last name, first initial).
There may be other options to limit your search by publication year, document type, etc. Take advantage of these!


Subject Librarian

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Annelise Dowd

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