Videos created by Susie Wilson, Data Services Librarian, UNBC
Academic search completeThis link opens in a new windowLarge, multidisciplinary EBSCO database, covering a wide range of disciplines.
ILL: allowed for non-commercial libraries only
EconLitThis link opens in a new windowEBSCO database covering topics in the field of economics.
Google ScholarThis link opens in a new windowIndex to scholarly literature across all disciplines. Can also be used for citation searching and to view author profiles.
Science DirectThis link opens in a new windowInformation platform of scientific, technical, and medical research content from journals, books, series, and reference works published by Elsevier.
odesiThis link opens in a new windowOnline platform of Canadian social science data, including Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) and statistical tables from Statistics Canada. Also included is public opinion polling data from companies such as Gallup Canada and Ipsos Reid. Users can explore, analyze, subset, and download datasets.