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ENPL 313: Rural Community Economic Development: NHS Profiles


The NHS Profile contains basic National Household Survey (NHS)* data for census subdivisions (CSDs), census divisions (CDs)**, census metropolitan areas (CMAs), census agglomerations (CAs), federal electoral districts (FEDs), provinces/territories, and Canada.  

* See Changes Starting with the 2011 Census to gain a basic understanding of the NHS and its origin.
** In BC, census divisions = regional districts.

Important: When selecting a community, be sure to differentiate between CSDs and CAs.  The CSD of Prince George (318 sq. km) is the City of Prince George; the CA of Prince George (17,686 sq. km) includes the CSD of Prince George and several neighbouring CSDs.

Census geography reference material (Also useful for the NHS, as the NHS data is disseminated by census geography.)

NHS Profile, 2011

  • NHS Profile, 2011 -- After you have requested data for a location, note the download functions to the right of the table.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Susie Wilson

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