Northern BC Archives & Special Collections
3333 University Way
Prince George, BC
4th Floor of UNBC Library
Drop-in Visits
Available only for library books from Special Collections
9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Mon-Fri
Confirm availability: 250-960-5592
Research Appointments
For archival and library research visits
8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Mon-Fri
Research Help
Archival research assistance
Reproduction Requests
Digital copies of archival material
Donation Inquiries
Phone: 250-960-6603
General Inquiries
Phone: 250-960-5592
If you think you might want to donate records to Northern BC Archives & Special Collections, you can help us determine whether your records would be a good fit in our repository by preparing some background information about your potential donation.
Following the steps below will provide valuable context to your records and aid in our assessment. Don't worry if you cannot provide answers to all of these steps. Just do your best to supply the details that you know. Reach out with these details of your donation request to
Prepare a description of the records to be donated. For example:
You know your records best. Your insights are invaluable to our decision-making process.
Describe the approximate size and content of the proposed donation:
Material Type | Count of Items | Count of Boxes |
Textual Records (Documents, diaries, correspondence, files, etc.) | ||
Published Rare Books | ||
Maps and Architectural Plans | ||
Photographs (Prints, slides, negatives) | ||
Moving Images Film (8mm reels, 16mm reels, etc.) | ||
Video Recordings (VHS, Betamax, Hi8, DV, etc.) | ||
Sound Recordings (Cassette tapes, reel-to-reel, audio CDs, etc.) | ||
Modern Electronic Records Storage Media (Data DVDs/CDs, external hard drives, USB sticks, digital file transfer, etc.) | ||
Obsolete Electronic Records Storage Media (Floppies, Zip disks, etc.) | ||
Objects (Flags, pins, medals, etc.) | ||
Art |
If your material includes unusual formats, please include additional details.
Identify the dates of the records
Describe whether the records are unique and original:
Are the records fairly complete and representative of the life and career of the individual they document? If there are significant gaps, describe them. For example:
Confirm ownership:
Describe any prior transfers of ownership or custody and control of the records:
An Archivist will decide whether the records fall within our acquisition mandate. If Northern BC Archives decides to acquire your records, you can help us by making arrangements for their delivery to our facility in Prince George, BC.
The donation process concludes with the signing of a Gift Agreement. The Agreement legally transfers ownership of your records to the University of Northern British Columbia. The particulars of the Agreement are negotiated between you and Northern BC Archives. Some things for you to consider: