A city directory is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations or institutions, giving their location in a city. It may be arranged alphabetically or geographically or in other ways. Directories have been in use in British Columbia for centuries and pre-date modern telephone directories. Historical directories are an important research resource for genealogists, historians, land use planners, business owners, detectives, and others.
Historical directories often contained more detailed information than can be found in today's phone books:
- Personal information of residents including full names, residential address, occupation, marital status (spouses names may be listed in parentheses)
- Business information, including owner names, addresses, advertisements
- Listings of local officials, including staff of fire and police departments and municipal staff
- Addresses and locations of schools, places of worship, hospitals, and other community organizations
- A "reverse look-up" for searching by street address
- Population counts
- Area maps
- A brief local history and description of the area
We have provided a listing of known directories for Northern and Central BC communities on this page along with information about how to access them.