A credit line must be given for the publication, exhibition, presentation, or use of reproductions from the NBCA. Credit line to be written in the manner as follows:
Northern BC Archives, UNBC Accession No. ______.
“The Greatest Marine Disaster in History.” The Globe (Toronto). April 16, 1912. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1351176382?accountid=14601.
Author-Date In-text:
(The Globe 1912)
Author-Date Bibliography:
The Globe (Toronto). 1912. “The Greatest Marine Disaster in History.” April 16, 1912. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1351176382?accountid=14601.
In newspaper articles with no author, the newspaper title takes the place of the author. Otherwise the format would be:
Author, A. (Year). "Article Title." Newspaper title (City if not in newspaper title). Date of article. URL
In-text citation:
(“Greatest Marine Disaster,” 1912)
Reference list:
The Greatest Marine Disaster in History. (1912, April 16). The Globe, pp. 1-2. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1351176382?accountid=14601.
If the newspaper article has an author then the format would be: Author. A. (Year, Month Day). Article Title. Newspaper Title. URL.
Unidentified newspaper or magazine clipping in a file in an archival collection:
On BC Rail, Tumbler Ridge Line; July 1986. (1990, October). [Clipping from an unidentified magazine]. David Davies Railway Collection (2013., Northern BC Archives, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC.
In-text citation:
("On BC Rail, Tumbler Ridge Line; July 1986," 1990)
For more guidance/examples, refer to the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association section on Archival Documents and Collections.
In-text citation:
(“Titanic Disaster”)
Author, A. “Article Title.” Newspaper Title [City if not in newspaper title] Day Month Year: page number(s). Medium. Date accessed (if from web)
"The Titanic Disaster." Times [London] 16 Apr. 1912: 9. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 27 Nov. 2017.