Searching by a book's call number is one of the most efficient ways to search for materials! Searching this way allows you to go directly to a book's bibliographic record, while gaining the ability to search the shelves virtually from the comfort of your own desk or home!
Every item in the library has been assigned a call number. These numbers tell us the subject area of the material, the location of the item in the library, and the physical order of the books on the shelf. It is these numbers that allow you to see all of the titles of the books located next to the searched item on the shelf.
British Columbia history ranges between FC3801-3850. There is no specific range for Northern British Columbia, but cities in towns are within FC3849.A-Z with the letter indicating the first letter of the specific location, followed by a short string of numbers. For example, materials related to Prince George would be within and around FC3849.P7.