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Oral Histories of Northern BC

This outlines the oral history collections at the Northern BC Archives.

Tom Payne


Above: Sarah Ellen Pollard and Jim Fitzpatrick (Record TP01) Subject: People

Above: Fort George Canyon (Record TP02) Subject: Landscape

Swimming on the Fraser River
Above: Payne Brothers (logging), Bill, Tom, Chris, c. 1954 (Record TP03) Subject: Forestry Above: Swimming on the Fraser River (Record TP04) Subject: Childhood
Above: Ethel Payne, Tom Payne, Mary & Chris Payne (Record TP05) Subject: People Above: William Payne Family (Record TP06) Subject: Childhood
Above: William Payne on Horsedrawn Binder (Record TP08) Subject: Farming Above: Mary Payne - on Horsedrawn Binder (Record T09P) Subject: Farming


Above: Improvements to Land (Record TP10) Subject: Farming Above: All Boys had Guns as They Grew up (Record TP12) Subject: Childhood


Sharon Payne, c.1951

Above: Hunting Moose c. 1948 (Record TP13) Subject: Hunting Above: Sharon Payne, c.1951 (Record TP15) Subject: Childhood
Above: Goldmining on the Fraser River c. 1930s (Record TP16) Subject: Mining Above: Hunting c. 1943/44 (Record TP19) Subject: Hunting
Nancy, Tom & Bill Payne


Above: Nancy, Tom & Bill Payne (Record TP20) Subject: Childhood Above: Nancy Payne (R) - School in Prince George (Record TP21) Subject: School
Above: Built New House (Payne's) (Record TP23) Subject: Landscape Above: Mary Payne - Washing Clothes, c. 1953 (Record TP25) Subject: Home Life



"Pumpkin Caper"

Sharon, Tom and Margaret Payne, c. 1951
Above: "Pumpkin Caper" (Record TP27) Subject: Childhood Above: Sharon, Tom and Margaret Payne, c.1951 (Record TP28) Subject: Childhood
Above: Hauling logs to Ritchet's Sawmill (Record TP29) Subject: Sawmill Above: Tom, Bill, Nancy Payne, Tom's 1st Day to School (Record TP30) Subject: School
Above: Labonte Sawmill - at the Old Payne Homestead (Record TP31) Subject: Sawmill Above: Payne Family Gathering (Record TP32) Subject: Home Life
Above: Payne Family Homestead, c.1952 (Record TP33) Subject: Home Life

Lorita (Richet) Doudiet


Above: Donny and Billy Goat (Record LD01) Subject: Recreation Above: Group Going to Church in P.G., c.1960 (Record LD02) Subject: People
Above: Richet Family Home, c. 1950 (Record LD03) Subject: Home Life Above: Richet Family, c.1950 (Record LD04) Subject: People
Above: Lorita posing with Logs, c.1960 (Record LD05) Subject: Forestry Above: Richet Logging Operation, c.1960 (Record LD06) Subject: Forestry


Above: Logging Crew, c. 1960 (Record LD07) Subject: Forestry Above: Lorita & her Mom c. 1950 (Record LD08) Subject: People
Doudiet-Richet Wedding c. 1960
Above: Richet Truck, c.1950 (Record LD09) Subject: Transportation Above: Doudiet-Richet Wedding c. 1960 (Record LD10). Subject: Event


Above: Richet Family on Tractor, c. 1950 (Record LD11) Subject: Forestry Above: Richet Sawmill, c. 1960 (Record LD12) Subject: Forestry


Above: Grandfather Richet (Record LD13) Subject: People Above: Our Barn at The Farm, Red Rock (Record LD14) Subject: Farming


Above: Dave & Ethel Richet, c.1940 (Record LD15) Subject: People Above: "Case 15 Cat", Dave Richet's Sawmill (Record LD16) Subject: Sawmills
Above: Farm at Red Rock (Record LD17) Subject: Farming Above: Richet Family, c.1944 (Record LD18) Subject: People
Ron Richet and Jim Patterson, c.1940
Above: Ron Richet and Jim Patterson, c.1940 (Record LD19). Subject: Businesses Above: Triangle Sawmill, Stoner, c. Early 1950's (Record LD20) Subject: Sawmills
Above: Triangle Sawmill Stoner, c. Early 1950 (Record LD21) Subject: Sawmills Above: Triangle Sawmill Stoner, c. 1954-55 (Record LD22) Subject: Forestry

Margaret (Payne) Shatzko

Doris (Guillet) Holzworth




Above: Theodor Holzworth (Record DH01) Subject: People Above: Skis homemade - in front of Holzworth home (Record DH02) Subject: Recreation
Above: Emma and Edith Holzworth (Record DH03) Subject: People Above: Fred Holzworth,  c. Nov.1919 - Sept. 1975 (Record DH04) Subject: War Time



Above: Emma Holzworth, Elsie Holzworth (Record DH05) Subject: People Above: Elmer Johnston - married Emma Holzworth (Record DH06) Subject: Recreation
Above: Holzworth Frieght Truck - Emma & Edith (Record DH07) Subject: Transportation Above: Holzworth family in front of the house (Record DH08) Subject: Recreation
Above: Holzworth Family Goldmining (Record DH09) Subject: Mining Above: Holzworth Family Goldmining (Record DH10) Subject: Mining



Above: Peter Holzworth (Record DH11) Subject: Fishing Above: Holzworth Brothers, L.R. Theodore, Fred, Arthur, Emil (Record DH12) Subject: Recreation
Above: Holzworth Family (Record DH013) Subject: People Above: Emma at the Jack Holzworth home (Record DH14) Subject: People
Above: Edith & Emma Holzworth (Record DH15) Subject: Home Life Above: At Ed Labonte Sawmill, Cookshack (Record DH16) Subject: Sawmills
Above: Ed Labonte - Labonte Sawmills (Record DH17) Subject: Sawmills Above: Doris & Holzworth cook (Record DH18) Subject: Sawmills
Mrs.Carpenter & Daughter Margaret

Above: Mrs.Carpenter & Daughter Margaret (Record DH19) Subject: Businesses Above: Elizabeth Holzworth (Record DH20) Subject: People


Stone Creek Hotel

Above: Stone Creek Hotel (Record DH21) Subject: Businesses Above: Albert Guillet Family (towing firewood) (Record DH22) Subject: Home Life

Kate (Marcoll) Anderson

John Ryser

Above: John Ryser's Potato crop, c. 1970 (Record JR01) Subject: Farming Above: Logging Truck at Red Rock, c.1950 (Record JR02) Subject: Forestry
Above: John Tilling The Field at Red Rock, c. 1950 (Record JR03) Subject: Farming Above: John Ryser at Farm, Red Rock, c. 1970  (Record JR04) Subject: Farming
Above: Field Hayed at Red Rock, c.1970 (Record JR05) Subject: Farming Above: Hay Bales at Red Rock, c. 1950 (Record JR06) Subject: Farming
Above: Bringing in Potatocrop at Red Rock, c.1950 (Record JR07) Subject: Farming Above: Potato Field at Red Rock, c. 1980 (Record JR08) Subject: Farming
Above: Maching on Farm at Red Rock, c. 1950 (Record JR09) Subject: Farming Above: Machinery at Red Rock, c. 1960 (Record JR10) Subject: Farming
Above: Tractor on Farm at Red Rock, c. 1950 (Record JR11) Subject: Farming Above: Bringing in Crop at Red Rock, c. 1960 (Record JR12) Subject: Farming
Above: Making Hay Bales at Red Rock, c. 1960 (Record JR13) Subject: Farming

Eric Patterson



Above: Patterson Farm at Fraser Flats, c.1950 (Record PA01) Subject: Farming Above: Eric Patterson & Logging Team, c.1950 (Record PA02) Subject: Forestry
Above: Young Girl, c.1950 (Record PA03) Subject: Childhood

John Marcoll

Above: John Marcoll S.R. (father) c. 1950 (Record JM01) Subject: People Above: Barbara (Becker) Marcoll (mother) c.1920 (Record JM02) Subject: People
Above: Louise Marcoll (Record JM03) Subject: People Above: Louise Marcoll (Record JM04) Subject: People

Mabel (Scholander) Rutherford

Above: Slide on Highway Near Stone Creek, c. 1955 (Record MR01) Subject: Transportation Above: Building the British Columbia Railway (Record MR02) Subject: Transportation
Above: Mrs. John Marcoll S.R. (Record MR03) Subject: People Above: Fort George Canyon, c.1950 (Record MR04) Subject: Landscape


Above: Building BCR - load of ties - by Red Rock c.1953-54 (Record MR05) Subject: Railway Above: Scholander Farm, increased farm land (Record MR06) Subject: Farming


Above: Stephanie Scholander & Mabel, c.1939 (Record MR07) Subject: Recreation Above: Mabel (Scholander) Rutherford, c.1942 (Record MR08) Subject: Childhood

Marie (Whibley) Paskiewich

Above: Our Barn at Fort George Canyon, c. 1944 (Record MP01) Subject: Farming Above: Whibley Family on a Tractor, c. 1947 (Record MP02) Subject: Farming
Above: Jack Whibley Cutting Wood, c.1947 (Record MP03) Subject: Home Life Above: Jack Whibley House, Fort George Canyon, c.1943 (Record MP04) Subject: Landscape
Above: Jack Whibley & Ernie ? , Making Hay, c. 1947 (Record MP05) Subject: Farming Above: Washing Gold, Fort George Canyon, c. 1944 (Record MP06) Subject: Mining



Above: Washing Gold, Fort George Canyon, c. 1944 (Record MP07) Subject: Mining Above: Car & Trailer Leaving for ?, c.1943 (Record MP08) Subject: Transportation
Above: Jack Whibley, c.Mar. 20 1944 (Record MP09) Subject: Hunting Above: Beryl Whilbley, c.1944 (Record MP10) Subject: Hunting

Above: Ernie La Casse & Beryl Whibley, Hilling Potatoes, c.1944 (Record MP11) Subject: Farming Above: Jack, Beryl, Marie & Dorothy Whibley c. 1950 (Record MP12) Subject: Farming

Mary and Bill (William) Payne

Torben Lindstrom

Above: Torben Lindstrom & Mr. Beech, c.1960 (Record TL01) Subject: Forestry Above: Lindstrom Home In Red Rock, c.1960 (Record TL02) Subject: Landscape


Above: Torben & His Family c.1950 (Record TL03) Subject: Immigration Above: Torben & His Family c.1950 (Record TL04) Subject: Immigration

Krystyna (Rogalski) Simpson

Above: Krystyna & Brother & Mother (Record KS01) Subject: People Above: Kids at Play near Railroad Home, c.1950 (Record KS02) Subject: People
Above: PGE Caboose at Red Rock, c. 1950 (Record KS03) Subject: Railway Above: Relating in Men's Railway Barracks, c.1950 (Record KS04) Subject: Railway



Above: Entertainment at Men's Barracks (Record KS05) Subject: Railway Above: Railway Property in Red Rock, c.1950 (Record KS06) Subject: Railway



Above: Railway worker, c. July 1960 (Record KS07) Subject: Railway Above: Evening & Friends, c.1960 (Record KS08) Subject: Recreation


Above: Krystyna & Her 2 Brothers, c. 1960 (Record KS09). Subject: Childhood Above: Family While Still in Germany (Record KS10) Subject: People
Boys in front of Candle-lit Christmas Tree, c.1960


Children in front of Christmas Tree, c.1959

Above: Boys in front of Candle-lit Christmas Tree, c.1960 (Record KS11). Subject: Event

Above: Children in front of Christmas Tree, c.1959 (Record KS12). Subject: Event
Above: Railway Worker Broken Down, c.1960 (Record KS13) Subject: People Above: Krystyna & Her Mother, c.1960 (Record KS14) Subject: People


Above: Evening of Festivities, c.1960 (Record KS15) Subject: Recreation Above: Night with Friends, c.1960 (Record KS16) Subject: Recreation
Above: Men's Railway Barracks, c.1950 (Record KS17) Subject: Railway Above: Krystyna's Brothers, c. 1950 (Record KS18). Subject: Childhood
Above: Railway Housing, c.1960 (Record KS19) Subject: Railway

Marge (Yurychuk) Slater, George, and Ceinwein (Carpenter) Yurychuk

Above: Yurychuk Home near Stone Creek Bridge, c.2000, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY01) Subject: Landscape Above: Ceinwein & Marge, c.1947, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY02) Subject: Transportation
Above: Norah Doherty  at Niagara Falls, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY03) Subject: People Above: George Yurychuk c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY04) Subject: People
 Hotel at Stone Creek Fire c.1949


Vehicles in front of Stone Creek Hotel c.1950

Above: Hotel at Stone Creek Fire c.1949, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY05) Subject: Businesses Above: Vehicles in front of Stone Creek Hotel c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY06) Subject: Businesses



Ceinwein Yurychuk, Stone Creek Hotel c.1943
Above: Yurychuk Home near Stone Creek Bridge, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY07) Subject: Landscape Above: Ceinwein Yurychuk, Stone Creek Hotel c.1943, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY08) Subject: Businesses
Fire at Stone Creek Hotel c.1949

Above: Fire at Stone Creek Hotel c.1949, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY09) Subject: Businesses Above: Irwin Doherty c.1959, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY10) Subject: People

Above: Ceinwein & George Yurychuk c.1947, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY11) Subject: People Above: Marge,George, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY12) Subject: Home Life

Above: George & Ceinwein c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY13) Subject: Home Life Above: Yurychuk Family Group c.1940, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY14) Subject: People


Above: Tanks in front of Stone Creek Hotel, c.1943, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY15) Subject: War Time Above: Unknown c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY16) Subject: People
Above: Marge (left), Ceinwein(middle) c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY17) Subject: Home Life Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY18) 
Above: Passing Through Stone Creek, c.1943, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY19) Subject: War Time Above: Bernhardt Family c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY20) Subject: Home Life

Above: Stone Creek Bridge, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY21) Subject: Transporation Above: Ceinwein's Mother, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY22) Subject: People

Second Fire at Stone Creek Hotel, c.1984
Above: Washout of Stone Creek Bridge, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY23) Subject: Transportation Above: Second Fire at Stone Creek Hotel, c.1984, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY24) Subject: Businesses
Marge Yurychuk Slater, c. 1950


Above: Marge Yurychuk Slater, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY25) Subject: Childhood Above: Haying, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY30) Subject: Farming
Above: Marge Slater, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY31) Subject: Childhood Above: Marge Slater, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY32) Subject: Childhood

Above: Ceinwein Yurychuk & her mother, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY33) Subject: Home :Life Above: Norch Doherty (centre), c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY34) Subject: People
Above: Farming, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY35) Subject: Farming Above: Marge & her sister, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY36) Subject: Childhood
Above: Birthday Party, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY37) Subject: Childhood Above: People with Untitled, 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY38) Subject: Hunting

Above: Marge, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY39) Subject: Childhood Above: Marge in front of Stone Creek Hotel, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY40) Subject: Childhood
Above: Riding near Red Rock, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY41) Subject: Recreation Above: Marge & Her Sister with Snowman, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY42) Subject: Recreation
Above: Posing in front of Family Car, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY43) Subject: Transportation Above: Swimming in Stone Creek, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY44) Subject: Recreation

Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY45) Subject: Home Life Above: Marge & Cow, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY46) Subject: Childhood


Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY47) Subject: Childhood Above: Marge & Her Grandmother, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY48) Subject: Home Life

Marge & Her Grandmother, c.1958

Above: Marge & Her Grandmother, c.1958, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY49) Subject: Businesses Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY50) Subject: People

New Hotel Owners, c.1950

Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY51) Subject: Recreation Above: New Hotel Owners, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY52) Subject: Businesses

Above: Marge's Grandmother, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY53) Subject: People Above: Ceinwein Norah Doherty Mrs.Bernhardt, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY54) Subject: People
Above: Unknown, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY55) Subject: Childhood Above: Marge & Her Grandmother, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY56) Subject: Childhood
Above: Marge, c.1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY57) Subject: Childhood Above: Marge in front of Stone Creek Hotel, c. 1950, donated by Marge Yurychuk (Record MY58) Subject: Childhood

Additional Photographs

Gillian Homer's Photographs



Above: Irwin Doherty, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH01) Subject: People Above: "Glenora" Irwin and Norah Doherty Home, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH02) Subject: Landscape
Above: Irwin Doherty and Friend, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH03) Subject: People Above: Norah Doherty, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH04) Subject: People
Above: Norah Doherty and Her Sister on the Ship to Canada, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH05) Subject: Immigration Above: Norah Doherty and Farm Animals, donated by Gillian Homer (Record GH06) Subject: Farming

Pat Holzworth's Photographs

Above: Peter Holzworth Family , donated by Pat Holzworth (Record PH01) Subject: People Above: House - Peter Holzworth Homestead, donated by Pat Holzworth (Record PH02) Subject: Landscape

P.G. Retired Teachers Heritage Committee's Photographs

Above: Stone Creek School, c.1962-63 (Record RT01) Subject: School Above: Stone Creek School, c. 1962-63 (Record RT02) Subject: School
Above: Stone Creek School, c. 1963-64 (Record RT03) Subject: School Above: Stone Creek School, c. 1963-64 (Record RT04) Subject: School

Martha Cook's Photographs

Above: Norah Doherty c.1980s, donated by Martha Cook (Record MC01) Subject: People Above: Norah Doherty c.1990s, donated by Martha Cook (Record MC02) Subject: People
Jeremy Siddall, Red Rock Commnunity History Display


Students at Red Rock Commnunity History Display

Jeremy Siddall, Red Rock Commnunity History Display, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA01) Students at Red Rock Commnunity History Display, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA02)
Jeremy Siddall with Students, Oct. 2001 Alexandra Vlaszaty with Students, Oct. 2001
Jeremy Siddall with Students, Oct. 2001, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA03) Alexandra Vlaszaty with Students, Oct. 2001, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA04)
Ramona Rose & Alexandra Vlaszaty at Burns Lake


Jeremy Siddall with Students at Burns Lake, Oct. 2001

Ramona Rose & Alexandra Vlaszaty at Burns Lake, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA05) Jeremy Siddall with Students at Burns Lake, Oct. 2001, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA06)
Dr. Suzanne Leblanc, Ramona Rose, Dr. Mary Ellen Kelm
Dr. Suzanne Leblanc, Ramona Rose, Dr. Mary Ellen Kelm, donated by Northern BC Archive (Record NBCA07)